10 Bail Bond Terms You Should Know

Bail bond iconIt is a stressful event for anyone to be arrested for a crime, but it gets more stressful when you are not aware of the things that can help you out in jail. The good things are, bail bond companies can help you be released as soon as possible. We know that the court may use terms that are not very common to regular people that is why we have come up with a list of ten terms that you should know about bail bonds. These terms can help you quickly understand what your rights and responsibilities in getting bail are.

Key Terms from Our Bail Bondsman

  1. Bail- It is the amount set by the court to be paid by the defendant to be released of custody while waiting for his or her trial day. Bail amount depends on the gravity of the offense made by the defendant and his or her criminal record.
  2. Bail Bond– When we say bail bond, this is the written document which states that the bondsman will pay the entire amount of bail while the defendant is typically given 10 percent of the bond to fund the bondsman.
  3. Bondsman/ Bail Bond Agent– The person who can handle the bail and pay it out for you to be released from custody in no time. You go to a bail bondsman if you don’t have enough money on hand to pay the bail in full.
  4. Real Estate– The defendant may use his property to serve as a security that the bondsman will get his money back. It can be in the form of a house, vacation home, or even vehicles.
  5. Defendant- The person who has been charged with a crime is a defendant which means he has not proven his guilt or innocence, but allegations have been presented.
  6. Felonies– Felonies are crimes considered to be major criminal offenses. If you are charged with a felony crime, you can expect that the court will set a higher amount for your bail.
  7. Forfeit– A defendant who is unable to appear before the court on the specified trial day will forfeit his or her bond payment or property bond. It means he will lose his right over his property.
  8. Indemnitor– A person or a company who acts as a third party and signs the defendant’s bail bond and assuming responsibility for the bail in case the defendant fails to appear in court.
  9. Misdemeanor- Unlike a felony, misconduct is a nonindictable offense and does not carry the same weight as a felony. If charged with this, you may be asked to pay a fine or serve community work.
  10. The bail bondsman is only one of the persons who can act as a middle man to ensure the defendant will return to court on his trial day.

Get Help from an Affordable Tampa Bondsman

Knowing these term give you the knowledge about the things that need to be handled during the bail bond process. If you are in need of someone to help with you or your loved one’s release, contact a local bondsman to assist you. He will be able to help you with every detail of the release process.